Remember that warning your parents used to give you?
The one about: How holding a particular expression too long could cause your face to stick that way? It crossed my mind last week.
I was with Pastor Len Crow of North Country Baptist Church in Orillia and my mouth was open the whole time. I’ll share the North Country story (as I remember it) and you can see what it does to your expression. Be warned!
- A congregation of 75
- 11 years old
- That has planted 2 congregations
- Dedicated its 1st bldg in Canada last week
- A building that will seat 500
- With no debt
- Entirely off the hydro grid
- Powered by solar electricity
- Heated radiantly with water and propane
- That first built a $300,000 orpanage in Cambodia
- Supporting that orphanage to the tune of $6,000 a month
- Supporting another in Mexico to the tune of $100/month
- Supporting another in the Phillipines to the tune of $100/month
You can close your mouth now.
Before you react too strongly, let me say, I’m sure I got some of these figures wrong. Its difficult to hear with your mouth wide open.
To get the facts contact Pastor Len Crow, North Country Baptist Church.
When you talk to him, please, try to keep your mouth closed.