We’ve all had them…
People who grumble & complain about everything
People who are always ready for a fight
Who sit there with their arms crossed just waiting for you to do something wrong
So… stop making mistakes!
Well that won’t work. 🙂
Man is born for trouble as the sparks fly upward. But some of have more than our share of it.
Don’t you wish you could just make it stop?... At least the complaining?
A number of years ago I discovered a principle that will at least limit it.
Stop complaining about your boss, about your board, about your team, about your coffee, even to God.
Well, in the case of the coffee maybe you should change your brand. But in every other case I’ve found it really helpful to stop complaining, even to God, and start affirming.
Ask God to help you, to…
Find something..
In the most difficult people
In the most difficult situations
Something good
you can talk about and…
talk about that.
The Bible says,
Whatever a man sows, he will also reap.
If a team has fallen into the trap of negativity, usually it’s leader has as well. The way to stop it is to stomp it out… in your own life.
If you’ve been guilty of complaining about your boss, your board, your team or anything else, even to God, ask Him to forgive you and stop.
Stop complaining
and start giving thanks.
If you’ve seen a team delivered from negative through thankfulness I’d love to hear about it. Post your comment below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.