What is Professional Christian Coaching?
Coaching for Ministry Leaders
Sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed, confused, frustrated or simply be unsure about what the next step you are supposed to take is! Numerous pastors have already discovered the vast benefits of having a Coach help them with their ministries & family lives.
We think coaching is something that can help you as well, no matter where you are at! If you would like to learn more, please click here.
Coaching for Churches
Churches all over North America are becoming stagnant, declining or dying. We believe that when churches are able to discover their true identity of who God has anointed them to be and begin to pursue that identity AMAZING THINGS can happen – more than we can hope or imagine!
Our coach Dave Heasler, has experience helping numerous churches discover their giftings and direction, helping them to move off the plateau and into God’s will for their community!
If you would like information about Coaching for Yourself or Your Church, click here!
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